Once you see it, it’s hard to unsee it. We’re talking about an ad tea party Republican Kerry Bentivolio has created in an effort to retake the 11th Congressional District – the one he “accidentally” became congressman of from 2013 to 2015, after former Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Plymouth) somehow forgot to get enough qualified signatures to run, leaving Bentivolio the only one in the race in the then-firmly Republican district. David Trott quickly made mincemeat of him in 2014, and Bentivolio, a veteran and part-time reindeer farmer, has been trying to regain his 15-minutes of fame ever since. The ad calls Bentivolio the “Washington snake hunter,” has him reaching into a bucket by a pond and pulling out two real snakes and then superimposing Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi’s heads on them, saying, “You drain the swamp, I’ll hunt the snakes.” He has approved the ad. Unfortunately. See it for yourself –