Klint Kesto
The gossip mill is still heating up with who might be willing to be the sacrificial lamb for the Republicans in a run for county executive. While no one has filed yet to take on the winner of the Dave Coulter-Andy Meisner Democratic slug fest, various local Republicans are passing on scuttlebutt they’re hearing, starting with the buzz that former state Rep. Klint Kesto (R-Commerce Township) may skip running for county commission as rumored earlier and go for the top spot, which many acknowledge would be a death march. There’s still whispers and hopes among local GOP faithful that state Sen. Ruth Johnson (R-Holly), a former county commissioner, then county clerk and Secretary of State, will seek to return to the county complex as head honcho. One Republican politico said Oakland County Republican chair Rocky Razckowski, the perennial candidate, is interested in running for Brooks Patterson’s old seat, but cautioned that “would be just like handing it to the Democrats.”