Mike Detmer
In this case, we might say, go home. Speaking of candidates, Rep. Elissa Slotkin may not be as worried about Republican opponent Mike Detmer of Howell. Detmer may not realize that when you run for public office your every move is public and under scrutiny. Moves like attending the Operation Gridlock protest at the capitol in Lansing protesting the state’s stay-at-home shutdown. Yeah, there’s freedom of speech. And then there’s being photographed – and posting to his personal Facebook page – a photo of a group with a truck in the background with a sign on top boasting “Proud Boys” – a recognized hate group known for its anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Further, a man in the photo made an acknowledged “white power” symbol. Just to note, none of the people in the photo were wearing masks or socially distancing. Detmer later took the Facebook post down, but did continue to gripe on a Facebook video, “It’s one thing to put information out for people to keep themselves safe, but it’s another thing entirely to lock down states and lock down people, which is completely unconstitutional.” But is it hateful?