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Republican sources confirm to Oakland Confidential that always-a-bridesmaid-never-a-bride candidate John James of Farmington Hills, won’t be seeking the governor’s office in 2022. James ran, and lost, for Senate twice, once in 2018 against Senator Debbie Stabenow (D), and then again in 2020, against Democratic Senator Gary Peters. While he came closer to striking distance in 2020 against Peters, a loss is still a loss. One top Republican said now that former Detroit Police Chief James Craig plans to run for the Republican gubernatorial mantle, James “is relieved to not run a statewide campaign again and be a three-time loser.” Did they have to talk James out of running? “You’ll never push John into – or out of – anything. He’s got his own ego,” said the politico. Said another party player, with James out of the top race, then the party can avoid what was feared to be a possible “nasty primary next year” between two Black candidates. Word is now that James is waiting to see what the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission reveals for redrawn congressional districts, and then he’ll evaluate running for Congress, and if so, for which seat. As a note, per the Constitution, a candidate for Congress does not have to live in the district they run in.  



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