If you’ve been watching the TV and reading the news, and are feeling absolutely Trumped, you’ll feel comfort in the news that you’re not alone. Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Resisting the Trump Agenda, has quietly spawned local chapters, including one for the 9th Congressional District, which includes Bloomfield Township, said spokesperson David Bowen, a professor at Wayne State University. “We’re a group of 15 to 20 – it varies from week to week; we’re mostly interested in taking some kind of action to oppose the Trump agenda. Many of us, like me, it’s the first time, or in a long time, we’re politically active.” There are other local groups, and because they meet either in small groups, or online, each group makes its own decisions, and teaches tactics on how to make members of Congress responsive to their constituents, another member said, such as being visible at town halls and at local congressional offices. “We’re asking members of Congress to use tactics that the minority has access to – filibuster, unanimous consent rule, adding amendments to bills – we’re learning from what the tea party did successfully, and what Republicans did for the last eight years.” A Facebook group for the 11th District is currently trolling Rep. David Trott (R-Birmingham, Troy, Novi), seeking his response and feedback from what they perceive as a non-responsive congressman. Indivisible says their value is in allowing people to feel their voices are heard.