In the “we can’t make this stuff up” department, Republican candidate for the 11th Congressional District Kerry Bentivolio has filed a $10 million suit against another candidate, Rocky Raczkowski, claiming defamation. He alleges Raczkowski has been telling folks at political gatherings that Bentivolio, a highly-decorated veteran of the Vietnam and Iraqi wars, that Bentivolio’s military record is “made up,” a “lie,” and that Bentivolio “didn’t really earn his medals,” which include two Bronze Stars, a Meritorious Service medal, an Army commendation medal, and others, totaling 27. Raczkowski, a former state Representative, who is also a veteran, has admitted he has questioned Bentivolio’s awards, believes the lawsuit is frivolous and will be dismissed. But he said he did it because Bentivolio demeaned his own military service. Bentivolio was elected by chance to represent the district in 2012, earning the moniker the “Accidental Congressman.” Although he lost re-election to David Trott in 2014, he has been trying to reclaim the seat ever since. A reindeer farmer in Milford and part-time Santa, he said he doesn’t mind those designations – just don’t question his service record, his military awards or his commitment to his country. It will be up to Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Hala Jarbou to decide.