David Doyle
With the dawn of the new political season comes the need for political strategists. David Doyle, longtiime strategist with the Marketing Resource Group (MRG) in Lansing known for its media relations, political consulting and survey research, has struck out on his own, along with former MRG researcher Kara Douma, opening D2. Doyle is a favorite of Michigan Republicans, having served as chair of the state party from 1991 to 1995. He’s also known for coordinating the campaigns of former Gov. John Engler, Sen. Spencer Abraham, former Secretary of State and Congresswoman (and currently Macomb County Public Works Commissioner) Candice Miller, and many others, including former state Rep. Mike McCready (R-Birmingham, Bloomfield). Doyle told MIRS that his new company is designed to help deliver a “clear and convincing message to your target audience. Whether you are running for office and trying to inspire voters, or you are trying to communicate a message to elected officials, we do the research, and help you develop a winning message.”