Like a bald tire in a winter snowstorm, Michigan House 19th district Republican candidate Anthony Paesano of Bloomfield Township got little traction in the media with his early March publicity release calling for the resignation of Birmingham Public Schools Superintendent Embekka Roberson, blaming her for the $14 million budget deficit now facing the district. And for good cause, no doubt. Roberson took over in early summer of 2021; the deficit was discovered several months after her arrival, a deficit caused by revenue/expense calculation errors, including over misestimation of student counts that generate annual state revenues for school districts, a friggen budgetary mess that had been going on for two school years and which she brought to the district’s attention. Not one media outlet (print/broadcast), of which we are aware, picked up the resignation call by Paesano, who said in his release that he has two children in the Birmingham school district. Paesano is being challenged by Carolyn E. Shettler from Farmington Hills in the August primary. Assuming no one else files for this race, the primary winner will in November face Democrat Rep. Samantha Steckloff, who is in her first term in the House and is a former Farmington Hills City Council member.