Despite her (largely Republican) detractors, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer continues to enjoy significant statewide popularity, according to recent polls, although the long winter and the public’s confinement is showing. A recent (March) EPIC-MRA poll shows Whitmer’s positive job approval has slipped, but remains in positive territory, with 52 percent of those responding giving her a positive job approval rating, and 47 percent a negative job approval rating. As for their favorable opinion of her, 49 percent had a favorable opinion of Whitmer, versus 44 percent who had a negative opinion. Seven percent refused to answer or were undecided. In September, her favorability rating was 56 percent. Statewide, Whitmer is most popular in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb counties, with a 59 percent favorability rating against a 35 percent negative approval rating. The UP? Those folks are not fans. She only had a 27 percent approval rating – and a 73 percent unfavorable rating.