Life’s getting weird when you can’t identify your state legislative official with a plain old R or D. That’s the case for folks living Lake City, Michigan, northeast of Cadillac. Don’t know Lake City? It has a population of 836 people, and is known as the “Christmas Tree Capitol” because it produces millions of Christmas trees annually. Seems it might also have bred someone with an affinity for tin foil hats. Daire Rendon, state rep for the area, was voted in as a Republican, but has lately been seen wearing a “Q” button to committee meetings and on the House floor – as in QAnon. It’s not the first time she’s operated out of the mainstream. In December 2020, she was part of the group – along with Rep. Matt (Mad Dog) Maddock (R-Milford), husband of GOP state co-chair Meshawn Maddock – which brought a slate of alternate, or fake, electors for certification to the state Capitol but were refused entrance. The QAnon acolyte was also a failed plaintiff in an unsuccessful federal lawsuit to require state legislatures to certify results of presidential elections. When asked recently what the Q stood for, she responded to a reporter, “The Q is the highest level of security in the federal government.” If you say so.