Appears staunch Republican Congressman David Trott (Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Troy), in his second term representing Michigan’s 11th District, isn’t still feeling the love for President Donald Trump. Politico reported that Trott shocked the room at a private meeting in late July when he voiced what many other Republicans were thinking, that the president had been unhelpful with health care, and administration infighting was distracting from the Republican agenda. “It’s more than that,” Trott, of Birmingham, told Downtown. “It’s more the president’s inability to evolve into the job that’s hampering our ability to pass legislation. He’s certainly not providing any kind of leadership, and it’s undermining our ability to pass the agenda.” He noted a perfect example was Trump’s already infamous press conference on August 15, when he was supposed to be introducing an infrastructure bill. “We’re eight months into the administration, and we haven’t seen any kind of bill or bipartisan legislation. It should have been given to us within the first 100 days, and instead we’re left with that ridiculous press conference and we’re talking about the horrible activity in Charlottesville...the President’s conduct is undermining our ability to do business.” Trott believes Congress is left with only one way to get anything done during this session. “The president needs to act presidential, or we’re going to work without him on bipartisan solutions, and he can sign or veto them.” Don’t think Trott is going to be invited to any sleepovers in the Lincoln bedroom.