Polling done on the Republicans running in the 11th Congressional race to replace David Trott (R-Birmingham) in Washington had some interesting results. With state Sen. Mike Kowall (R-White Lake) now officially in the race, his long record of hard work – and just being around – as White Lake supervisor, state representative and state senator – came in first in the name recognition poll, followed by perennial candidate Rocky Raczkowski (Troy), once a state representative (1997-2003) for Farmington and Farmington Hills and the “Accidental Congressman” for the district, Kerry Bentivolio (Milford). State Rep. Klint Kesto (Commerce Township) followed, with oil heiress Lena Epstein of Bloomfield Hills, despite raising a ton of dough so far, coming in second from the bottom. Only daughter-of-famous-Bill Bonds Kristine Bonds, despite trying to capitalize on her famous name, came in lower.