There is a long – long – history of local political parties staying out of primaries and local non-partisan elections, where their influence could sway a race. Their impact has always been reserved for general elections, where their power and authority is utilized against the other party. This has long been viewed as the appropriate use of influence. Yet – it seems all bets were off in 2021, and not for good. Take, for example, an email from the Oakland County Republican Party chair Rocky Raczkowski on November 22, where he weighed in – in exultant terms – over a recount for a Northville school board election. A non partisan school board election!! “Remember when the Democrat Leftists told us that we need to get over the 2020 election?” Rackowski wrote. “As a matter of fact, a Leftist Candidate for Northville School Trustee, named Mrs. Campbell, lost her election by one vote to OCRP Executive Committee Member Jim Mazurek – affectionately called ‘Landslide Mazurek.’” Both political sides seem to have dirt on their hands, as it seems Campbell hired a former Democratic Party chair – who was no longer affiliated with the local party – to represent her in a lawsuit in a recount. After three recounts, she still lost by one vote. But how the Oakland GOP write up ends is controversial – “Congratulations Jim Mazurek! We know that you will not represent ‘special interest groups,’ but work for what is BEST FOR OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE!” If this is for a school board seat, how excited will Rocky be if a Republican wins a state House seat?