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Levin’s decision to bypass the 10th district leaves it currently without a Democrat – but potentially a bunch of Republicans ready to jump into a primary fight. “That’s going to be an interesting one to watch,” Republican politico Dennis Darnoi said. “While the 10th was more suited for (Rep. Andy) Levin, I’m not surprised he went for the 11th, because it’s a Democrat-lean, and there you win in the primary and you anoint yourself congressman. In the 10th, you’re the only Democrat in the primary, but you suffer to win in the general (election).” While currently two-time loser John James of Farmington Hills lives in the 11th, word is he plans to move into the 10th to run. Rumblings are former GOP Congressman Mike Bishop is looking to get in, also, as is Eric Esshaki, who Democratic Rep. Haley Stevens beat in the 11th in 2020. While folks are saying that Oakland Republican Chair Rocky Raczkowski is looking to get into fray, we have verifiable word (at this point) that he will not, having just purchased a new home in Troy. Darnoi said. “This race will be won by whoever embraces the modern Republican Party. Whoever is successful will have to run very far to the right.”



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