Michigan state Representative John Reilly (R-Oakland Township) is serving his last two years, thanks to term limits, so one would expect candidates announcing early to take his spot in the 2022 election. But Melissa Carone, the voter fraud crank who made headlines internationally (and garnered a Saturday Night Live parody, no less) with her slurred-speech testimony last December before a state House oversight panel looking into November balloting allegations? Yep. She has now formed a committee to seek Reilly’s House seat for the 46th district encompassing a smattering of northern tier Oakland communities, although there’s no telling how it will look after redistricting next year. The 33-year-old Carone, a Grosse Pointer who now claims a Lake Orion address, was billed as the star witness called by Rudy Giuliani (sans the dripping toxic hair dye this time) with claims about voting mischief at the TCF center in Detroit. Most of her testimony had earlier been ruled “not credible” by a judge. Carone reportedly completed last September a one-year court imposed probation, although most news outlets dodged the question of what charge she had faced. The Independent in the UK says she faced charges for sending her then boyfriend’s ex-wife video of him having sex with Carone.