Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, who is running for the GOP gubernatorial title in next August’s primary, is learning his first major lesson in politics – the front runner gets tarred and feathered. After all, politics is a dirty business. First Craig announced he really did back a “thorough audit of election results,” in an opinion piece in The Detroit News on the same day as Trump followers gathered on the lawn of the state Capitol to call for an audit. Of course, Michigan has so far done 250 audits of 2020 election results, and they have shown absolutely no hanky panky, and that President Joe Biden won the state – by around 154,000 votes versus Trump’s win in 2016 of just under 11,000 ballots. While Craig’s comments were vague as to whether he was referring to 2020 or elections going forward, a top Republican said Craig was only referring to future elections – and he will never give credence to the Big Lie, even if it means he doesn’t win the end the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, who met with Craig about a month ago. “The fringe gets all the PR but there aren’t all that many of them,” said the source, who has long been a force in state politics. Of course, Craig has to get through that fringe in the primary to reach the general public in next November’s election. Another issue Craig is facing is word, brought forth by Republican challenger Michael Brown, a Michigan State Police captain, that he was never a certified police officer when he served as chief of police in Detroit or Cincinnati. Records show he promised in 2013 he would voluntarily become certified, a promise which was not kept. The Michigan Democratic Party has gotten into the act, filing a FOIA to see if any of Craig’s activity while chief was illegal. Adding to his not-very-good-week, Oakland County Michael Bouchard, a staunch Republican and loyal law enforcement officer, told Oakland Confidential that while he spoke to Craig as he was considering running, he has not yet made up his mind who has his vote, and has not endorsed Craig at this point.