After leaving local GOP party faithful dangling for months, in early February, state Sen. Mike Kowall (R-White Lake), who is also the state Senate Republican Floor Leader, officially announced he was running for Congress in the 11th District to replace outgoing Rep. David Trott. Kowall has been a small businessman, White Lake supervisor and state representative as well as state senator. In Lansing, Kowall has been supportive of veterans and Michigan businesses, notably of burgeoning autonomous vehicle technologies, an expertise which he intends to take to Washington if he is elected. The crowded field he joined just lessened by one – Plymouth Township supervisor Kurt Heise gave Kowall a Valentine’s gift by dropping out of the race and endorsing him as the Republican candidate for the seat. “Mike Kowall is the Republican we need at this critical time in history. Therefore, I am ending my campaign, and endorsing Senator Mike Kowall for Congress in the 11th District. I urge the other candidates to do the same,” Heise said. Still in the Republican game are state Rep. Klint Kesto (West Bloomfield), oil heiress Lena Epstein of Bloomfield Hills, perennial candidate Rocky Raczkowski (Troy), and daughter-of-famous-Bill Bonds Kristine Bonds.