Political pandering during an election year or sincere concern for constituents? That's the question one Birmingham resident posed to Oakland Confidential after receiving a "Save the Date" reminder from state Sen. Marty Knollenberg (R-Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Rochester, Rochester Hills). Knollenberg, who spent $5,504.76 on his latest mailing, has spent tens of thousands of dollars on print mailings – also known as “franking” – during his first term. Postage and printing for the mailing comes out of each legislator's office budget, and must meet requirements to avoid direct campaigning on the taxpayer's dime, but the October 8 date for a "Tribute to Seniors" seems a tad premature. The “Breaking News” banner, on a vote to eliminate tax on senior pensions, wasn't breaking. Yes, Knollenberg has held the tribute lunches each October since being elected, focusing on senior health, nutrition and finances.