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Fellow Bloomfield Hills city commissioners are not happy with the rogue behavior of fellow city commissioner Stuart Sherr after he was caught red-handed stealing election signs of a Bloomfield Hills school board candidate, was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor. “He’s embarrassed the city,” one commissioner said, noting that “he has not handled this well.” While the city and commission cannot remove Sherr from the city commission as he is an elected official, they can censure him, which is an expression of formal disapproval of him and his behavior. There is also the possibility of urging him to resign from the commission at an open meeting. Currently, commissioners and city manager David Hendrickson are officially staying mum and waiting for the case to go through the legal process. As for Sherr? He’s in denial that he did anything wrong – and even thinks he deserves a medal for “protecting multi-million dollar properties.”


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