We've seen this game before, usually at the county commission level – state officials seeking a home at the county once they leave Lansing. But the passing of L. Brooks Patterson has put a new twist on the competition. Current appointed count executive Dave Coulter (D) announces his intention to run for the position in 2020, abandoning his bid for the 27th District House seat to replace term-limited Democrat Michigan Rep. Robert Wittenberg (D-Huntington Woods, Oak Park, Berkley, Ferndale). Meanwhile, Wittenberg formally announces he's seeking the county treasurer position, which will be vacated by current treasurer Andy Meisner (D) as he hopes to move on up in the pecking order to the office of county exec. Sources now confirm that former Rep. Tim Greimel (D-Auburn Hills) is also considering a bid for the treasurer's seat, making for at least two contested races in the August Democrat primary. At this time it is anyone's guess who will run for Wittenberg's 27th House District seat.