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While we prefer, and rely upon, independent political polling, we can’t help but note a recent poll undertaken by the Coulter campaign against county treasurer Andy Meisner for the Democratic spot on the ticket for Oakland County Executive, that shows Dave Coulter with a 17-point lead over Meisner, 39 percent to 22 percent. The Coulter campaign utilized The Mellman Group, political consultants out of Washington D.C., to conduct a poll in late May, which showed Coulter enjoying a 21-point lead among white voters, a 16-point lead among African Americans, and a 20-point advantage among women. “The poll also shows Dave holds a net lead over his opponent in key areas: 15-point lead on strong leadership; 14-point advantage on representing voters’ views on the issues; and 13 point lead caring about people like you,” The Mellman Group reported in an email from the Coulter campaign. Of course, in May, Coulter had been on TV daily assuring residents about the county’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, which some pointed out was free advertising for him, and from which he clearly benefited. The question is, as the primary heats up and Meisner and his campaign become more visible, will Coulter’s margins remain the same? As we go to press, there are only eight weeks left to primary election day.


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