Paul M. Smith
You know you’re not winning a popularity contest when the leadership of your own political party disavows you. That’s what has happened with GOP state House candidate Paul M. Smith, a former Sterling Heights city council member who was running to represent the 25th District against incumbent Democrat Nate Shannon. Michigan Republican Chairwoman Laura Cox said the state party stopped backing Smith’s campaign prior to the November 3 vote because he has some “crazy” theories – like asserting the plot against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer by 13 members of armed militia is a “totally bogus sham.” “The Michigan Republican Party is not investing — will not be spending any money or time or energy on his race. He has some very crazy conspiracy theories that do not reflect the beliefs of thousands of Republicans across the state of Michigan,” Cox told reporters. Smith previously drew the condemnation of his party for a 2009 YouTube video showing him with signs illustrated with President Barack Obama’s head impaled on a stake and then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm with a noose around her neck.