We went to press just prior to the GOP state convention, when state Republicans were scheduled to choose who they want on the general election ballot for attorney general and secretary of state, rather than having primary voters choose in August, as they do for most other candidacies. We have been most anxious to see who GOP convention-goers – the Republican base – is picking for AG to do a mid-ice face-off against Democrat incumbent Dana Nessel. Wise – and establishment – prognosticators have been in the corner of former state House Leader Tom Leonard (DeWitt), who came within a hair – three percentage points – of Nessel in 2018, and would like to see a rematch. But those in the know see the handwriting on the wall for Trump-endorsed candidate Matt DePerno of Kalamazoo. The Trump-inspired Maddocks – Matt/Meshawn – have wholeheartedly endorsed DePerno as well. “If DePerno wins, the Republicans can kiss the whole thing goodbye in November,” said one honcho. Not giving up either is West Bloomfield’s Ryan Berman, a two-term state Representative, “who thinks he’s going to win,” said the Republican politico. “I’ve never seen so many delusional people in my life.” If the convention goes with DePerno and secretary of state candidate Kristina Karamo, another Trump acolyte., “It’s not a Republican year in Michigan.”