State Rep. Donni Steele (R-Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills, Auburn Hills and Lake Orion) is learning all about state politics in her first few months as a state legislator after years as treasurer for Lake Orion, noting the number of bills that have quickly gone from concept to signature. “It was like Vegas. I got a quick education,” she said. One revelation she and fellow state Republican Rep. Tom Kuhn of Troy received were rescinded endorsements from Right to Life of Michigan after they both voted with Democrats to repeal the 1931 law abortion ban. “The 1931 law was no longer enforceable. Even the Michigan Supreme Court had ruled it was unconstitutional,” Steele said. “I don’t agree with Proposal 3 (of 2022, Reproductive Freedom for All), and I didn’t vote for it – but it’s constitutional and I have to uphold the Constitution. It passed my district by 63 percent – and I represent my district,” she noted, not just her personal feelings. However, as for her ‘no’ vote for the expansion of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, which passed to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender or identity or expression employment, public accommodations and public services, educational facilities, housing and real estate, Steele said, “the Michigan Supreme Court has already determined you cannot discriminate. It was already protected. I’m not a bigot – but do not remove my religious freedom and religious classes at the same time.” She did not clarify how, or which, religious freedoms were threatened, but emphasized she does not, and will not, vote straight Republican party, but by issues.